Tanveer Hassan

Hello, world!

July 03, 2019

Hello, world! I am Tanveer Hassan, a software engineer living in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

At the time of writing this, I have around 5 years of experience working in software development. During this time I have faced a lot of challenges while trying to build good software. At times, I have felt lost and extremely frustrated; it’s really difficult and/or tiresome to keep up with the current trends in software development. I have had the feeling of being completely out of place when faced with certain problems to solve. It was not the logic of the problem that usually bothered me, but the way in which to solve it with good practices and to stick to proven design patterns. I remember sitting at my desk, staring blankly at the screen, hoping that the software architecture will somehow design itself. Although, thanks to the good folks on the internet, I found solutions to a lot of the problems I have faced. Sometimes, for some obstacles, I could not find any helpful articles which could become the Virgil to my Dante and guide me across the callback hell of programming paradigms.

“Into the blind world we have now descended.”

So as you can probably tell, this is a blog about me trying to make my way accross my programming career. I will be posting about hurdles I face along the way and how I solve or at lease try to solve them. I will often post tutorials and guides on how to do certain things; from language specific tutorials to software design patterns. You may also find posts such as life of a software engineer from time to time.

Maybe you are a seasoned software engineer with more experience than I have, or maybe you are just starting out right after graduating from university. This blog is intended for anyone linked to the software industry.

I will often put links to github repos for the source code of what I will be writing about, I highly appreciate pull requests and/or issues if you find something you can help improve. Not only the code, please feel free to open up discussions to improve the quality of the articles too.

The goal of this blog is to document my journey as a software engineer and also to provide tutorials and guidelines to fellow software engineers.

I hope you enjoy the blog and as a bonus find it useful.

Tanveer Hassan

Hi, I'm a software engineer who lives and works in Dhaka building useful things. Follow me on Twitter